The Future of OOH

Marketing isn't just an optional add-on; it's the vital heartbeat that fuels success. In a world with shrinking attention spans, a barrage of pop-up ads, and an overwhelming number of platforms, how can you strategically position your brand in the spotlight? The answer lies in Out of Home (OOH) advertising, a rising star that's more like a seasoned champion.

Billboards: A Time-Tested Triumph

Billboards have been around for ages, and they've stood the test of time for a reason - their unmatched reach and visibility. Whether it's on the freeway, in the city, or at your local shopping centre, billboards excel at connecting with vast audiences daily. Research from Australia's Outdoor Media Association (OMA) and Billboards Australia reveals that OOH boasts the largest, most diverse, and fastest-growing audience of any marketing channel.

Getting Out (of Home)

In Australia, a whopping 74% of people encounter billboards daily, with 88% agreeing that brands showcased on billboards truly stand out. It's no wonder, considering that Australians spend an average of 7.5 hours in their cars weekly, embarking on 10 journeys, during which their alertness spikes by a remarkable 98% outside the home environment. Biometric research underscores the potential of OOH advertising, showing that people are twice as likely to take action when exposed to OOH ads compared to screen time at home.

But OOH's influence extends beyond grabbing attention; it also elevates the performance of other advertising channels. It can supercharge TV campaigns by an impressive 15% and amplify the impact of combined TV and digital efforts by a substantial 23%. Moreover, incorporating OOH into an online campaign injects a 38% boost in intrigue, highlighting its ability to complement and elevate other marketing strategies. In an era where measuring advertising effectiveness is paramount, OOH advertising stands as a dependable and impactful tool that consistently delivers impressive results.

More Tech, More Data, More Power

The future of Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is unfolding with a technological flourish. Billboards are shedding their static skins and embracing the digital realm, propelling OOH to new heights.

  • Go Local: OOH can zoom in on specific areas, precisely targeting the most effective demographics for your brand.

  • Creative Playground: Going digital means real-time campaigns and updates. Track, measure, optimise, and enhance your brand's appearance with a simple click.

  • Programmatic Implementation: Real-time magic is in the air. Programmatic billboards adapt content based on factors like weather, traffic, and the audience.

  • Data Driven Insights: Data analytics are the driving force. OOH gets personal, measuring impact and offering invaluable insights into consumer behaviour.

  • AR Adventures: Augmented Reality (AR) steals the show, making OOH ads come to life and inviting engagement in exciting new ways.

Technology is catapulting OOH advertising into a new era of effectiveness and engagement. With digital screens, programmatic capabilities, data analytics, and Augmented Reality, OOH advertising opens doors to unparalleled creativity, personalization, and real-time impact measurement. As the digital revolution unfolds, OOH stands as a dynamic and future-ready advertising medium, ready to captivate audiences and deliver results like never before.

Finding the Spotlight

Platforms like JCDecaux and Ooh! are prominent players in the OOH arena, with thousands of billboards across street corners and hotspots. They offer an abundance of services including transit ads, airport displays and digital screens with location based targeting, street tracking data and integrated wifi beacons. But… roll that into one and you get the new kid on the block - Shiine. Shiine, the latest leap in Australian OOH technology, harnesses the power of rideshare services like Uber and Didi to position brands at every major city hotspot and every other road, street and highway. From sports events to music concerts, airports to the CBD, or even your local restaurant after a night out, Shiine's digital rooftop displays light up the streets with your brand's colours.

Equipped with geo-location software that updates campaigns for the chosen area and backed by powerful campaign performance insights fueled by traffic data, Shiine takes an already evolving tech industry to new heights.

Ready to Shiine?

To discover how Shiine is revolutionising brand connections, head over to and power up your brand's future in the world of OOH advertising.


Programmatic Advertising and OOH